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‘Shakhhsiyat’ is an Urdu word which means ‘one’s core Identity’, and when one operates from one’s core self aligned with the source,  positive change is the outcome for self, society and systems. 

At Shakhhsiyat, we help you and your teams explore and activate latent potential and believe that individual and collective inner development and transformation are at the heart of engagement, progressive culture, generative conversations, innovation and sustainable growth.

About Us

At Shakhhsiyat, we work with Enterprises and Institutions in helping them take their leadership to the next level and maximising latent potential by building & developing effective teams, and engaging & retaining key talent.

We also help people overcome self-limiting beliefs, build self-confidence, gain clarity, find harmony, and evolve purposefully.

We collaborate with coaches, trainers and facilitators towards building inner capacity, skills and qualities of human inner as well as holistic growth and development.

Our Programs

At Shakhhsiyat, we provide innovative leadership solutions that enhance personal and team effectiveness, while addressing challenges of the post pandemic BANI (Brittle, Ambiguous, Non-Linear, and Incomprehensible) world. We work in partnership with leaders and organisations to cultivate non-linear, sustainable leadership solutions and bring about holistic positive change.

Our programs are rooted in a holistic approach  to promote both personal and organisational transformation towards a better  future for all. Deeper inner work is capable of enabling positive transformation at society and systems levels too and great leaders are always ready to flex their thinking towards a progressive evolving culture. 

We help you in designing Training and Coaching Leadership Programs.



Every human being can benefit from being coached. However, its reach is restricted and coaching remains exclusive to select senior management and leadership positions across companies.

We transform professionals by allowing them to pause, reflect, and deepen self-awareness. We facilitate conversations that deepen awareness and enable them to be better leaders today. Students can recognise their values, identify their blind spots and make conscious career choices for a successful future.

Early Managers can identify blind spots, leverage strengths, and accelerate their growth. Entrepreneurs can become better leaders in managing their teams, maximising ROI on people and scaling their businesses. 

We specialise in a range of initiatives and programs, including gender equity, cultural diversity & creating an inclusive culture. 

We also design and execute Leadership and Training Programs.

We customise Training Sessions on topics covering both, inner and outer transformation for teams and leaders. 

Emotional Intelligence


Interpersonal Skills

Communication Skills

Business Etiquette

Thinking/ Cognitive Skills

Creative Problem Solving

Team Building/ Collaborating Skills/Co-creation

Stress Mangement

Self Management

Openness and Growth Mindset

Ethics, Integrity and Authenticity

Presence and Mindfulness

Long Term Orientation and Visioning

Humility, Compassion and Appreciation for self 

Humility, Compassion and Appreciation for others

Inclusive Mindset and Embracing Diversity

Engagement and Mobilisation Skills

Innovative Mindset

Optimism and Power of Positive Self Talk 

Adaptability and Resilience

Conscious Self and Social Responsibility

Ability to have Courageous Conversations












  • Grooming and dressing of professional events
  • Business etiquette 
  • Dinning etiquette
  • Personality Development 

We do Keynotes on Inner Development Skills

Our process

One-on-One sessions 

We create a unique experience tailored to your core/authentic self, enabling you to  push limits, conquer challenges, and embrace new horizons. Our  personal growth coaching program will ignite a passion for continuous improvement in you, and enhance collaboration through enabling you in cultivating a mindset of adaptability and resilience.

Executive and Leadership Coaching

Better Culture starts with better conversations, and better culture promotes well-being and significantly reduces stress amongst the employees. It also creates psychological safety and safe spaces where one can give and receive support, challenge each-others thinking, give and receive feedback, and test ideas. Such engagements stimulate strong and impactful developmental conversations.

Experiencing coaching can be life changing (mere understanding the meaning of coaching is not enough). If you devote some time and energy in the process, you will get to see your growth. 

Equipping leaders with coaching conversation skills, starting with basic skills of coaching, is how you can introduce coaching in your organisation. You could subsequently integrate these skills at other levels and also into their flow of work. This will also promote diversity and inclusion where employees are encouraged to brings a variety of perspectives and experiences, leading to cohesiveness, innovative solutions and effectiveness at all levels. 

Enough data driven insights are available online to prove the impact of coaching on growth, evolution and transformation of individuals. There’s also enough data to show that coaching leads to individual and organisation’s growth, it helps one expand one’s thinking to you challenges and provides resilience to the employees so that they can thrive through the challenging situations.

How we will work in partnership with you

1. Training Need Analysis

Before designing a solution, we initiate a TNA process to understand your business and determine your desired outcome. This helps us assess your current state, identify opportunities for collaboration, and set clear goals and objectives. Our approach is focused on gaining a comprehensive understanding of your needs to ensure the solutions we design are curated to meet those desired outcomes.

2. Design

Our collaborative approach to solution development ensures that you have a strong sense of ownership and that the final product aligns with your organisational vision and goals. Throughout the process, we’ll work with you to develop detailed project plans and clearly define expected deliverables.

3. Deliver

Whether it’s developing a leadership development program, or a series of cultural sensitivity workshops, we’ll collaborate closely with you to create and deliver a bespoke solution that meets your unique needs.

4. Debrief

As part of our commitment to continuously improve, we believe in giving and receiving feedback. We’ll debrief once the project has been delivered and get your feedback to assess the success of the project and identify areas for future improvement.

our founding Director

Rritu Rana is a credentialed Professional Certified Coach (PCC) from International Coaching Federation (ICF), and a Leadership Facilitator & Corporate Trainer who also works as a consultant for designing Leadership Development programs .  She  has her independent life coaching practice for serving individuals, and works with organisations as an Executive Coach.

She is empanelled with  national and international leadership development, consulting & training firms developing future leaders in building inner capacity, capabilities and skills for building agency, embracing inclusion, enabling cross-functional collaboration in serving diverse workforce.

She helps leaders and organisations rethink how they lead and believes in the power of leadership in driving greater impact by empowering their teams to design sustainable systems and processes for thriving workplaces.

She has been felicitated -‘Top Women in Soft Skills 2021’, by Women Entrepreneur India. She believes that educating the mind without educating the heart is incomplete education. She has also delivered projects to the Educational Institutions, The Indian Army, For Profits, Non Govt, Not for Profit Organisations, and worked with diverse cultures in multiple regions including rural sectors and remote areas.



Inner Development Goals (IDG)

Inner Development Goals bring the power of inner development to global challenges faced by humanity

The Inner Development goals has given our world a simplified Framework on  inner development that helps to understand, integrate, develop and communicate the core inner skills needed for sustainable development.

The IDGs believe there is a pressing need to increase our collective abilities to face and effectively work with complex challenges. And without a foundational shift in human values and leadership capacities, external solutions to our global challenges may be limiting and , too short or short-lived.

This is why we are co-creating the Inner Development Goals Framework – and essential roadmap that can assist us in navigating and developing our individual as well as collective inner lives to catalyse outer change.

Rooted in interdisciplinary research, the IDG Framework consists of 5 dimensions with 23 skills of human inner development and collective development.

We invite you and your teams to discover with us how Being, Thinking, Relating, Collaborating and Acting can become a unified catalyst for global change. The IDG framework is not another framework to implement, rather it is a lens that helps us map, understand and refine your strategy.

Our programs are specially designed to build on these skills and dimensions for inner growth and transformation at systems level. 

Our leadership transformational program offers adaptive and transformative leadership through different modalities catered to the different realities and challenges of organisations. Our program lays the solid foundation for a culture of impactful and conscious leadership that leads towards highly engaged  teams and organisations.

Integrate the Inner Development Goals with our highly powerful and focused leadership program. Elevate and transform your organisation into a highly impactful organisation that fulfils its sustainability goals and purpose.

For further enquiry

(Source, Inner Development Goals

Begin your journey today !

We specialise in customising human centered leadership development programs to meet the unique needs of your leaders and organisation. Contact us to schedule a complimentary discovery session.

Contact No : +91 98996 55993